Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weak Knees & Love Tunes

Week 1 of the new training program is complete! Good news - I made it. Bad news - lots of pain. My overall goals for this past week were 1) Finish all routines Mon-Sat & 2) Run the lake on Saturday with a maximum of two stops. The routines were completed and my weekly highlight was completing the run of the lake (9.3 miles) without having to stop for a break! Turning that last corner and seeing my car brough a smile to my face. Unfortunately my knees hurt (possibly from my running gate) and my upper thighs are in a little bit of pain. No worries.
Kelly also hit the road hard this week. Not only did she accomplish all her training goals at the gym, but she ran everyday with Tucker. She's one tough 6-month pregnant lady.
On another note - last night we drove out to Arlington to see our friend David Thies play a gig at the Shepherd's Cafe. His performances are always eye opening. David is a true instrument of the Lord and a testament to a love of faith that we should all aspire to attain.
Until we have more...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The Deal:

Training work out - everyday, different routines.

Monday - Cardio Class (1.5hr)
Tuesday - Program 1 (2hr)
Wednesday - Program 2 (2hr)
Thursday - Cardio Class (45 min)
Friday - Program 3 (2hr)
Saturday - Long distance run (White Rock Lake Trail 9.2 miles)
Sunday - Off day (Chik-Fil-A and I are keeping it real!)

A sampling of the Programs:
- One Arm dumbbell row 4x20
Flat dumbbell press 4x20

- Hammer slight incline chest press 4x20
Standing dumbbell curls same time 4x20

- Drop everything go run a 1 mile...

There are 8-9 separate routines (all are (ss)supersets; meaning there is no break in-between) with most workouts ending with some combination of 3ooxAbs work-outs (300 crunches legs up, opp elbow to opp knee 300x, etc)

Today is Wednesday; I'll be doing Program #2. Kelly also has her First Time Mom Program with Joe (our trainer). So far there is some muscle pain, but I expect it to subside after a couple of weeks! BTW - all of this goes down at my favorite training spot: Trophy Fitness Club (it's a smaller local gym).

A personal goal will be to run in the White Rock Lake Marathon.



Saturday, March 28, 2009

Low Key Night

It's been a while since the last post. Work has been crazy busy for both Kelly and I but here is the update (while watching My Best Friends Girl-it's a low key movie rental night):

Like I said, Kel and I have been quite strapped for time lately. We have been traveling insesantly-New Orleans(Mardi Gras), Las Vegas(Kenny Loggins), Pensacola(friend's wedding), San Antonio(Open House)- so that was March. Mardi Gras was (Wow, this movie is horrible) tons of fun, Vegas was a blast, and Pensacola was relaxing.
As for work, I'd say that that at this point in our economy we are more than thankful to have work.
All else is well, we continue to work on the house, however the "kids"-Tucker & Nola-seem destined to tear through the house at will, impeding our progress. No need to worry, though-it will be completed!
More to come soon...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Monday Night Football - Cowboys / Eagles

Wow - not too bad for my first Cowboys game - MNF!

My friend David invited me to attend the Eagles game (as he called it - even though we were in Dallas) with him.  David, a diehard Philadelphia Eagles fan was ready to tussle with anyone that got in his way.  
The parking experience at Texas Stadium, most would agree, is absolutely horrible.  Hopefully this issue will be resolved with the construction of the new stadium, Jerry World or Death Star, as some have called it.
Texas Stadium

New Texas Stadium a.k.a. DEATH STAR

Our seats were close to the action, everyone stood the entire game, but unfortunately for David the Eagles lost.  Best of all - there was a pregnant lady standing in front of us with a tank top that stopped at the top of her belly...why?  Her pregnant (and large) belly was painted blue - in white letters it said, "Kickin' It 4 The Cowboys." The #4 was inside a Dallas Cowboys Star.
Classy classy. least we had good seats:

Friday, August 8, 2008


As stated in a previous e-mail, Kelly and I purchased a home about two months ago. However, we haven't moved in because three weeks ago we started working (remodeling) on the home. Better to get it done up front, right? Yes, we did have help from others - no way we could have done this much in three weeks on our own.
As far as what was done:
- Flooring
- Walls (layout)
- Appliances
- Backyard
- Bathrooms
- Bedrooms
...forget it...everything. Enjoy the pics. More from earlier stages coming soon.

Monday, August 4, 2008

...And we're back!

Wow - after an 8 month hiatus we're back - with new assets, a new city, new friends - a new life! (No, we're not pregnant, Ana & Donna)

Since the last post we have switched jobs, moved to a new city, crossed paths with a new family member, and bought a house! Yikes.

As of this past March I (Franklin) accepted an offer from Southwest Airlines Co. in Dallas, TX. My role with Southwest focuses on Revenue Mgmt & Strategy. Some of you might know Southwest from school (the company is frequently cited throughout numerous business classes, from marketing and finance, to organizational structure. For a good article on Southwest Airlines click the link below:

The move to Dallas has been quite stressful, but a blessing at the same time. The good Lord continues to mold us through His custom rendition of His Refiners Fire for us. As with most transitions, change can be tough, but we have really impressed ourselves with how quickly we adapted and embraced our new beginnings. Sure, we miss our friends in Houston, but hey - when you work for an airline that can fly you back in 48 min - everything is okay - oh yeah, did I mention it's free?

With so many changes occurring we decided to add some more excitement to our lives with the addition of TUCKER!!!

Tuker was a stray that a co-worker found on her porch (THANK YOU LINDA!). The vet estimates Tucker was about 3.5 weeks old when we got him. He was sick with all kinds of worms, parasites, malnutrition, and other typical issues that stray pups encounter. We assume he must have gotten lost from his litter. He has been a blessing in our life. Tons of added responsibility and our "parental learning curve" has drastically sped up. We'll be sure to add some more recent pics of Tucker. Seeing as he is a lot bigger now...

Lastly we have taken another big step into "adulthood" and have (drumroll please)...purchased a house! Stay tuned for pics!


Kelly and Franklin

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sample Wedding Pictures...

The link below is our photographers blogsite where he samples some of his work. Copy and paste the link below, then scroll down to our wedding and engagement entry. Enjoy!

Kelly and Franklin.